WORKSTATION DIARY SERIES - Preserving Self-respect Amidst Disrespect


Preserving Self-Worth

By: Ulysses C. Ybiernas | August 23, 2016

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Too much familiarity breeds contempt

Too much familiarity often breeds contempt. When someone was just wanting to throw a gesture that aims to express a pleasantry but responded with hate and disrespect, this only goes to show how narrow the mind that person has!I don't owe any explanation, my expression was straight and clear. Therefore, "I give you what you asked for, a space of indifference that you deserve, a dose of your own medicine".

At times, there is a need to also nourish our ego when others tried to diminish its worth. Of course, this does not mean being arrogant or an act of retaliation, but just an avoidance of the negativity that lingers around, putting on a cloak made of glass, to deflect back the malice an intruder is trying to hurl.

"When too much familiarity starts to breed contempt, don't worry, distance will bring the respect back."

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