PERSPECTIVE - The Law of Karma
Embracing Life's Natural Balance
By: Ulysses C. Ybiernas | May 22, 2015
Explore the delicate balance of life through the lens of yin and yang, the laws of karma, and the cycles of change. Discover how opposites create harmony, why actions have consequences, and how aligning with life's natural flow can lead to peace and fulfillment.

The Delicate Symmetry of Life
The world operates under a delicate balance, a harmony that becomes most evident in the natural polarities around us. Opposing forces such as light and dark, joy and sorrow, or creation and destruction are not just contrasts; they are complementary. This interplay of opposites sustains the equilibrium of our existence, much like night cannot exist without day or cold without warmth.
Yin and Yang: A Timeless Metaphor
The ancient concept of yin and yang perfectly embodies this duality. Yin, passive and dark, complements yang, which is active and bright. Together, they form a whole, not by achieving perfect harmony at all times but through their dynamic interaction. This balance mirrors the cycles of life, where periods of light and darkness weave together to create the rhythm of existence.
Embracing the Constant of Change
While stability is something we often crave, life teaches us that change is the only constant. Just as the seasons shift from winter to summer, life oscillates between prosperity and hardship. These transitions are not merely disruptions; they bring depth and meaning to our experiences.
The Responsibility of Balance
With the awareness of balance comes a profound responsibility. Power, when wielded recklessly, through exploitation or manipulation that disturbs the natural order. Though it may seem rewarding in the short term, the forces of karma ensure that every action has its consequence. Like a ball thrown against a wall, the energy we project into the world inevitably returns to us.
“What Goes Around, Comes Around”
The cycles of life remind us that nothing is permanent. The wheel of fortune turns continually, shifting what is up today to down tomorrow. Success achieved through dishonesty or cruelty may appear sweet momentarily, but it carries an a great price in the future.
Justice in the Here and Now
The weight of wrongdoings grows heavier over time if left unaddressed. It is far wiser to confront our mistakes and make amends during this life than to let them fester. Whether one believes in the afterlife or not, the consequences of our actions ripple far beyond the grave, in the face of divine justice.
Aligning with the Natural Flow
True peace comes not from dominance or exploitation but from aligning ourselves with the natural flow of the universe. By respecting the eternal forces of balance, by choosing justice and humility over greed or cruelty, we can live in harmony with the world and ourselves.
In the grand design of life, balance is not just an ideal but a necessity. The interplay of opposites, the cycles of change, and the forces of karma all remind us that our actions ripple far beyond the present moment. To live meaningfully is to respect this balance, embrace change, and act with integrity. By aligning ourselves with the natural flow of existence and choosing justice and compassion over dominance and greed, we can create a life of harmony, not only with the world around us but also within ourselves.
"No need for revenge, just sit back and relax. Those who hurt you will have a dose of their own medicine. And if you are lucky enough, God will let you watch."
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