The Weight of Urgency
By: Ulysses C. Ybiernas | November 29, 2013
Yesterday afternoon, the rain started to drizzle and continued until this morning. It wasn’t a heavy downpour, certainly not the kind people describe as “cats and dogs”, but steady enough to leave everything damp. My children were at home since they had no classes today, which meant I had a rare, quiet morning travel to my workplace.

As I drove along my usual route, I found myself noticing every detail of my surroundings. The rain had eased to a soft patter, and the sky, though not completely clear, held a calming brightness that contrasted beautifully with the gray clouds. It was one of those moments when nature feels grand and profound. It stirred something deep within me, reminding me of a feeling I hadn’t experienced in years, a reflective state where I questioned if I was on the right path in life.
My job, I question if it is still fulfilling as it can be in certain aspects, since it often leaves me feeling constrained. It’s a daily grind that pushes me into a mechanical routine, robbing me of spontaneity and joy. The demands are relentless, both from clients and the management. It feels as though every second of my day is consumed by this constant need to serve, whether I’m actively engaged with a customer or simply anticipating the next task.

For instance, earlier today, a passerby gave me a sudden jolt. They weren’t even a client, but my automatic reaction was one of heightened alertness, a conditioned response from the pressures of my job. This hyper-awareness has become second nature, ingrained by the ever-present demands of officers and the organizational culture. It’s not always the customers who are impatient; sometimes, it’s the management’s expectations that weigh heavily. We are expected to function like machines, always ready, always efficient, and never faltering. Even if I wanted to slow down a bit, I need to act fast, else my work load will drown me.
Even so, there are moments that stand out, both challenging and uplifting. A kind and patient client came in today, someone I always enjoy assisting because of her understanding demeanor. Interactions like these are a breath of fresh air amid the chaos. In contrast, there’s another regular client, a businesswoman who brought in a large cash deposit yesterday. Her urgency is palpable every time she visits, as though the world will end if her transaction isn’t completed instantly. She’s been banking with us for years and understands the process, counting the cash, verifying denominations, and checking for counterfeits before posting, yet her impatience never wanes.
I sometimes wonder if her constant state of restlessness is worth it. Does acting as though every second is critical bring her success or peace? Does she ever take time to breathe or simply exist? Her demeanor makes me think about how stress and urgency, if unchecked, can take a toll on one’s health.
As I reflect on these encounters, I’m reminded of the importance of finding balance. The demands of life and work will always be there, but moments of quiet, like this morning’s commute, are invaluable. They give me a chance to reconnect with myself, to question, to dream, and perhaps, to realign my steps toward a path that feels more like living and less like merely surviving.
"Once she stopped rushing through life, she was amazed how much more life she had time for."
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