By: Ulysses C. Ybiernas | May 3, 2013 11:03 PM
The Silent Triumph

My journey in this workplace unfolds undeterred, unwavering in the face of any tempest that besieged me here. Yet, amidst that serene spirit, an unwelcome presence intrudes, disturbing the stillness of my soul with the insidious tentacles of pessimism and irrational intolerance. I could resist, could shield myself from this intrusion and protect the calmness of my spirit, by countering back. But, I did not. That customer just showed her ugly side and to face it with an ugly face only deepens the wounds inflicted.
This is a reminder to me that wealth sometimes is a poison of the mind. It leads us to think that we are powerful, and we can just do anything we want because we have money. Feelings of other people, like a low-profile guy like me, doesn't matter at all. But I cannot afford to lose myself in the bitterness and spite of others. Above all, I carry with me the weight of my own challenges in life. Their anger, their malice, will only proliferate if I feed it. The wise response is not to mirror their venom, but to meet it with love, understanding, and patience. For in the end, it is the one consumed by anger who suffers the most.
The true victor is not the one who wins the battle of words, but the one who can sleep soundly at night, untouched by the discord of others. The victor wakes each day with a clear mind, ready to embrace whatever comes, knowing that peace cannot be stolen, only given.
Ultimately, the one who chooses peace, who rises above the fray, will find freedom and tranquility of spirit.
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