PERSPECTIVE - Rumor Mongering
Insecurity in Disguise
By: Ulysses C. Ybiernas | September 14, 2016
Explore the deeper causes and effects of rumor mongering and mockery, uncovering how these behaviors stem from insecurity, fear, and a need for validation. Learn about the hypocrisy and contradictions of those who engage in gossip and ridicule, the impact on innocent lives, and why promoting kindness and compassion is the antidote to this harmful practice.

The Harmful Practice of Rumor Mongering
Rumor mongering, the act of spreading false or malicious information about others, often stems from deeper insecurities and personal shortcomings. People who engage in this behavior are typically struggling with their own issues, whether related to self-esteem, self-worth, or a need for validation. Their attempts to belittle others reveal not strength but vulnerability, a projection of their own inner struggles.
The Root of Rumor Mongering
Behind the cruelty of rumor mongering often lies an unconscious attempt at self-projection. These individuals create false narratives to distract from their perceived flaws, hoping to elevate themselves at the expense of others.
It is disheartening to witness people mocking or ridiculing others, especially those who have done nothing to deserve such treatment. Mockers often derive satisfaction from highlighting imperfections or mistakes, treating the flaws of others as a source of entertainment. This behavior becomes especially toxic in group settings, where shared laughter amplifies the harm, creating a relentless chorus of cruelty.
The Irony of Hypocrisy
Ironically, those who spread rumors often lack self-awareness. They fail to see their own contradictions and flaws, which frequently render them more deserving of scrutiny than their targets. For instance:
the feeling beautiful: consider a person who portrays herself as attractively sweet, but in reality, it's the opposite, therefore she indulges in gossip belittling others' appearance to hide her own insecurities.
the self-appointed critic: an example is an individual who take pride on exposing others’ shortcomings to cover-up her own flaws, in real life, she is no more than just a balloon, inflated and puffed up, and devoid of substance.
false homophobic: a person who constantly insinuates another person as gay in the hiding because of an effiminate gesture, but a close friend of him embodies this very trait.
the paranoid: a person who see others as subject of suspicion all the time, unreasonably pointing out flaws without validating, this person is actually in desperate need of a psychiatric treatment.
the charlatans: those who thrive on gossip and sensationalism, fond of creating drama when none really exist so others will listen, but do so to camouflage any dirt they might have.
Effect to the Innocent
It is truly shameful that such individuals choose to belittle and demean others, especially those who are simply trying to live honest lives, work hard, and provide for their families. The innocent people they mock are not public figures or celebrities, but ordinary individuals working in good faith. These people deserve our respect and dignity, not the harsh judgment and ridicule of others.
The practice of rumor mongering and mockery is not just a moral failing but a sign of deep inner turmoil. It is driven by insecurity, fear, and a desperate need for validation. We should be cautious of such individuals and mindful of the harm they can cause. Instead of participating in gossip or mockery, we should strive to lift others up, offering them the dignity and respect they deserve. The world needs more humility, kindness, and understanding, not more cruelty disguised as entertainment.
"If you walk with the mockers you will learn how to mock, but God's grace and favor flow to the meek." - Proverbs 3"34
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