Thursday, February 21, 2013


    In early 2013, specifically on February 21st, I find myself reflecting on my progress towards achieving my life goals and dreams. Looking back over recent and distant days, I see that my journey has been slow-moving. This sluggish pace can be attributed to my lack of focus or perhaps a misguided outlook on life.

    Reflecting on the lyrics of a song from 1993, when I was around 25 years old, "25 years of my life and still, trying to get up that great big hill of hope, for a destination," rings true. Now, in 2013, with 45 years behind me, I find myself still navigating that tricky hill of hope towards a meaningful destination. It's a sobering reality when I consider the accumulated debts and general state of my life.

    While I possess an old car and a newly built house, their presence seems overshadowed by the burden of financial indebtedness. It feels like I am inadvertently enriching the banks while depleting my personal resources and savings. It's the unfortunate reality of our time, a reliance on loans and credit cards to attain our desires, ensuring the survival of financial institutions.

    Lost in this maze of financial strain, I wonder how I can find a way out. Perhaps the solution lies somewhere in the vast expanse of the universe.

    "Embarking on the journey to personal freedom entails liberation from various aspects of life. This includes overcoming financial struggles, repairing damaged personal relationships, finding fulfillment in one's career, achieving optimal health, and escaping feelings of hopelessness or loneliness. Many ponder why some individuals thrive in success and happiness or attain wealth effortlessly. These fundamental questions demand concrete answers, driven by our innate desire for a different reality, a change in our thoughts and emotions.

    As Albert Einstein famously stated, 'We cannot solve problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.' This profound wisdom underscores the need for transformative change in our perspectives.

    Recently, there has been buzz about a concept called 'The Secret.' Several years ago, I purchased a DVD copy of it, but found myself nodding off halfway through. More recently, my wife acquired the book, intending for our children to learn from it, though they are still too young to fully grasp its concepts. Eventually, I rediscovered the book among old volumes in our home and began reading it during breaks at work or lunchtime. Gradually, I've begun to grasp its essence."

    The "Secret" reveals itself as the "Law of Attraction," a concept that resonates with me on a profound level. As I delved into its teachings, several key insights emerged:

  1. Like attracts like: Thoughts of a certain nature attract similar thoughts. In essence, my thoughts act as magnets, drawing corresponding energies from the universe.

  2. Thoughts possess frequency: Every thought emits a specific frequency. These frequencies project outward, attracting similar frequencies or manifestations back into my life.

  3. I control my thought frequency: Similar to a transmission tower, I have the power to alter my thoughts' frequencies. By shifting from negative or undesired frequencies to positive ones, I can manifest changes in my reality.

  4. Thoughts shape my future: My present thoughts are the architects of my future experiences. What I consistently think about, with strong emotional intent, materializes in my life, the principle that thoughts indeed become things.

    In essence, the Law of Attraction underscores my role as a creator of my reality through the thoughts I nurture and project into the universe.

    To manifest my desires effectively, I can follow these steps:

  1. Focus on persistent thoughts: Continuously summon what I wish to experience through my thoughts.

  2. Incorporate positive emotions: Attach positive feelings to my thoughts; feelings indicate the frequency I am emitting. Good thoughts naturally evoke good feelings. When negative thoughts intrude, I shift focus by recalling pleasant memories, connecting with nature, enjoying music, or savoring delicious food to maintain clarity in our desires.

  3. Harness the power of love: Love represents the highest frequency attainable. The more profound our love, the greater the potential to manifest our desires.

  4. Utilize a structured approach: Similar to teachings found in the Bible or the Creative Process, I can follow three key steps: asking specifically for what I desire, believing in its attainment through actions, speech, and thoughts as though it is already mine, and actively receiving by feeling the reality of having achieved my desires. This process transmits my desired frequency to the universe, inviting corresponding manifestations.

    The Law of Attraction operates on the principle that thoughts are energetic forms. When transmitted into the universe, they tap into higher forces, triggering events and aligning circumstances to bring my desires to fruition. This concept mirrors principles found in quantum physics, where energies combine and resonate to create unified outcomes.

    Avoid these pitfalls:

  1. Negative framing: Refrain from using negative statements such as "I don't want to be poor" or "I don't want to be fat." Instead, state your desires positively, such as "I want to be wealthy" or "I want to be fit and healthy."

  2. Expectation: Focus my expectations on what I truly desire rather than what I wish to avoid.  

    Other Tools and Principles:

  1. Gratitude: Expressing gratitude for what I already possess attracts more positive experiences into my life. Giving thanks in advance for what I desire accelerates its manifestation by sending a powerful signal to the Universe.

  2. Visualization: Creating clear mental images of my desires generates powerful thoughts and emotions of already having them. This clarity allows the Law of Attraction to respond swiftly and effectively to my intentions.

    How to Attract Wealth Using the Law of Attraction:

    Achieving financial abundance is a primary goal for many, including myself. Here are key principles and steps to attract money and wealth:

  • Focus on wealth, not scarcity: Direct my thoughts towards wealth itself rather than the lack of money.
  • Utilize imagination and belief: Engage my imagination fully and feel the joy of already possessing wealth.
  • Visualize ownership: Intend to possess what I desire and cultivate the feeling of already owning it. Quickly shift my focus to feeling positive about money.
  • Embrace the paradox of giving: A widely believed secret is that the more you give, the more you receive. Approach giving with an open heart and avoid feeling as if something is being taken from you. The Law of Attraction rewards generosity with abundance. As stated in the 2nd Letter of Paul to the Corinthians 9:7, "Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
  • Cultivate a wealth mindset: Consistently visualize wealth and align my actions with my passions to make acquiring wealth feel effortless.

    On Relationships:

    My inner desires, reflected in my thoughts, words, actions, and surroundings, should align harmoniously.

    It all begins with self-respect and self-love. When I treat myself with kindness and respect, I naturally attract individuals who mirror these qualities.

    Avoiding self-criticism is crucial, as negative self-perception only perpetuates undesirable situations. This negative frequency influences what I attract from the universe, adhering to the principle of reaping what I sow.

    Instead, focus on embracing and celebrating my positive qualities and strengths. By doing so, the Law of Attraction reveals even greater aspects of myself.

    In my interactions with others, emphasizing their strengths and positive qualities fosters deeper connections. It's beneficial to concentrate on what we appreciate about them rather than dwelling on their shortcomings or grievances.

    On Health:

    The "Law of Attraction" operates on the principle of mind over matter, influencing our well-being in profound ways:

  • Placebo Effect: Belief in a treatment's efficacy, even if it's just a placebo, can lead to remarkable healing outcomes. This demonstrates the Law of Attraction in action.

  • Focus on Optimal Health: Directing my thoughts consistently towards perfect health is essential.

  • The Power of Laughter: Laughter is a potent antidote to negativity, releasing stress and promoting overall well-being.

  • Avoiding Illness Talk: Refrain from discussing illnesses or listening to others talk about them, as this only amplifies the energy associated with illness. Instead, initiate conversations centered on thoughts about good health or maintaining a healthy diet.

  • Positive Aging: Shift focus away from societal narratives about disease and aging. Negative messages contribute to feelings of depression and anxiety. Instead, concentrate on thoughts of health and eternal youth.

    I emphasize these aspects; wealth, relationships, and health, because their presence is crucial for achieving success and happiness in life. Each plays a pivotal role in our overall well-being and fulfillment.

    Moreover, proponents of the "secret" liken the "Law of Attraction" to the impartiality of the law of gravity, a precise force of nature. While the true testimonies of those who have applied this law are compelling, it remains worth exploring. I personally had an experience that I attribute to it, which I'd like to share.

    My Testament:

    One morning in the early 1990s, when I was in my mid-20s, I found myself wandering near Fuente Osmeña Circle, heading towards Capitol building, in Cebu City, Philippines, with no particular destination in mind. I had recently resigned from a job after only ten months. Then I turned to a corner, I looked up and saw a signage or logo on the wall, atop a building that caught my eye. I paused, feeling an inexplicable pull, and instinctively thought to myself, "Someday, I will work there." At the time, it seemed like a fleeting thought, and I continued on my way.

    A few days later, a company sent me to Manila for a six-month on-the-job training stint. As time passe, around more than a year later, I pondered why I was still there. Then, while reading the Manila Bulletin, I came across a blind item about a company hiring additional staff. Seizing the opportunity, I promptly submitted my application.

    Events unfolded swiftly. Soon I found myself facing a panel of executives for interviews. Little did I know, I was one of 67 applicants vying for just one position. Against the odds, in September 1995, I started working at the company's offices in Robinson's Galleria Building, Quezon City. To my astonishment, the company's logo was identical to the one I had noticed years earlier in Cebu City. Was this the realization of my wistful thinking? Not quite yet...

    Upon regularization, I was transferred to another unit in Makati. Barely three years working in that unit, there was a company-wide structural reorganization. My position was in jeopardy since one of units to dissolve was the unit where I was assigned. I was one of those asked to consider resigning by signing an offer sheet. The Staffs' Union advised us to sign only if we truly intended to leave.

    Having recently married and with a baby to support, the prospect weighed heavily on me. Despite maintaining outward calm, the situation churned my stomach with anxiety. What would happen next? Was this end of my job and my wistful thinking?

    Far from it. As they say, be careful what you wish for, because sometimes the universe grants it exactly as you desired.

    One December morning in 1998, I found myself standing in the exact spot where a couple of years earlier I declared a serious wish looking at the logo in the building, here, in Cebu City. As I looked up, there it was again, the same signage atop a building. This time, however, I didn't entertain another wistful thought. Instead, I gazed at it with a mix of emotions, took a deep breath, and quietly affirmed to myself, "Today marks my first day working in this branch. Thank God I still have a job."

    Consider this a coincidence, but it undeniably happened to me. Whatever orchestrated these events, I always attribute it to the workings of the "Law of Attraction." I don't believe my spirit alone could have foreseen such inklings or feelings about a glimpse of my future.

    The Law of Attraction influences people and shapes circumstances according to my thoughts, playing a pivotal role in my success, contingent upon the sincerity of my intentions.

    The Bible imparts wisdom on faith, hope, love, compassion, purity of intention, forgiveness, prayer, and humility. Jesus, as the embodiment of God's likeness, exemplifies this understanding, granting us relative freedom and the power to shape our destinies. This freedom is a profound responsibility, given the human capacity for sin and conflict, which could lead to my annihilation, yet also empowers me to create scientific breakthroughs that improve my life.

    It all sounds too good to be true. Yet, I live in a modern world where the once impossible is rapidly becoming possible. The 'Law of Attraction', too, finds validation in the intricacies of nature at the quantum level, suggesting that my thoughts and intentions may wield more power than I ever imagined.

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