PERSPECTIVE - The Power of Thoughts


A Reflection on Goals, Challenges, and the Law of Attraction

By: Ulysses C. Ybiernas | February 21, 2013

Discover the transformative power of the Law of Attraction through personal reflections, practical applications, and spiritual insights. Learn how your thoughts shape your reality, how gratitude and visualization can manifest your desires, and explore the intersections of faith, mindset, and universal energy to achieve success, happiness, and personal freedom.

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Reflecting on My Life’s Journey

As of today, 21st of February 2013, I found myself pausing to reflect on the progress toward my life goals and dreams. The journey has been slow, marked by a lack of focus or perhaps a misguided outlook on life. A song from 1993 resonated with me deeply, its lyrics mirroring my struggles: “25 years of my life and still, trying to get up that great big hill of hope, for a destination.” At 45 years old, I realized I was still climbing that hill, burdened by debts and a life that felt far from where I envisioned it to be. Despite acquiring a newly built house and an old car, these symbols of success seemed overshadowed by the reality of financial strain. This reflection brought me to a crucial question: How do I break free from this cycle and align my life with my dreams?

A Hint to Personal Freedom

Achieving freedom means addressing various aspects of life, including financial struggles, strained relationships, career dissatisfaction, and even feelings of loneliness or hopelessness. Why do some people effortlessly achieve success and happiness while others falter? Albert Einstein’s wisdom offers a clue: “We cannot solve problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” This insight emphasizes the need for transformative thinking to overcome challenges.

Discovering the “Secret”

Years ago, I stumbled upon The Secret, a book and DVD about the Law of Attraction. Initially, I dismissed it, but curiosity led me to revisit the book during work breaks. As I delved into its teachings, I began to grasp its essence:

Like attracts like

• thoughts act as magnets, attracting similar energies.

Thoughts have frequency

• they emit vibrations that shape our reality.

We can control our thought frequency

• by shifting to positive thoughts, we can manifest positive outcomes.

Thoughts shape our future

• what we focus on with strong emotional intent will become our reality.

Application of the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction suggests that we are creators of our reality. By focusing our thoughts and emotions on what we desire, we send powerful signals to the universe. Here’s how to harness it:

Focus on Persistent Thoughts

• maintain clarity about what you want and keep it in your thoughts.

Incorporate Positive Emotions

• attach joy, gratitude, and love to your desires. Positive feelings amplify the energy of your thoughts.

Harness the Power of Love

• love is the highest frequency and the most effective force in manifesting your desires.

Use a Structured Approach

• ask clearly and if possible define what you really want, then Believe by thinking as though your desire is already yours, next is receive it, feel the emotions of having achieved your goals.

Common Pitfalls of the Law of Attraction

Negative Framing

• avoid focusing on what you don’t want, such as saying, “I don’t want to be poor”, instead, reframe it positively by saying, “I want to be rich.”

Misdirected Expectations

• focus on the outcomes you desire, not the fears or obstacles you wish to avoid.

Other Useful Tools


• expressing gratitude for your current blessings attracts more of what you value into your life.


• imagine your goals vividly, as though they are already achieved. This clarity strengthens your intentions.

The Paradox of Giving

• giving generously without expecting anything in return creates a cycle of abundance. As Corinthians 9:7 states, “God loves a cheerful giver.”

Law of Attraction in Action

In the early 1990s, I stood near a building in Cebu City, Philippines, and noticed a logo that sparked a fleeting thought: “Someday, I will work there.”

Years later, after various twists and turns, I found myself working for the company represented by that logo, fulfilling a wish I had barely acknowledged. Coincidence or not, this experience solidified my belief in the Law of Attraction.

Applying the Law of Attraction to Life

On Wealth

• focus on abundance rather than scarcity.

• visualize yourself as already rich, and feel it with emotions of joy and freedom.

• embrace giving as a way to receive back.

On Relationships

• cultivate self-love and respect, attracting others who reflect those values.

• Focus on the positive qualities of those around you to deepen connections.

On Health

• visualize optimal health and avoid dwelling on illness thoughts.

• embrace laughter and positivity as tools for healing.

• avoid conversations that tackles the issue about aging.

Faith and the Law of Attraction

The Bible offers wisdom aligned with the Law of Attraction: faith, hope, love, compassion, forgiveness, and prayer all reflect the power of intention and belief. Jesus’ teachings emphasize our capacity to shape our destinies, "ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you", balancing it with the freedom to create with the responsibility to act wisely.

Conclusion: A World of Possibilities

In the modern world where the impossibilities of the olden days are fast turning into possibilities or realities, the Law of Attraction offers as a discovery of the profound power, just within our thoughts and intentions. By aligning them with love, gratitude, and faith, we can create lives rich in meaning, success, and endless possibilities.

Whether through divine grace or universal energy, our ability to manifest our desires begins with the thoughts we choose to nurture. As I’ve learned through my own journey, the universe has a way of responding when we dare to dream and act with the right intentions.

"What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create." - Gautama Buddha

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About Me

In the rich tapestry of our reality, there’s a world brimming with exploration, discovery, and revelation, all fueled by our restless curiosity. In my own humble way, I aim to entertain and enlighten, sharing insights on a wide array of topics that spark your interest. From the mundane to the extraordinary, I invite you to journey with me, where the sky is the limit, and every thread of discussion, holds the potential to satisfy your curiosity.


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