Sunday, June 15, 2008


    My biorhythm naturally nudges me toward early mornings. I often find myself in a relaxed state, yet suddenly thrust into the chaotic buzz of preparing for work. Each morning feels like a frantic dash, a whirlwind of tasks that leaves me emotionally and physically drained. I recognize that this pattern is self-imposed, yet I continue to let it dictate my daily life.

    This realization prompts a radical need for change, a transformation of my inner self and a commitment to mental discipline. I find myself asking the fundamental question: “Why do I behave this way?", "Why am I so uninspired and unmotivated to start my day right?" If I’m experiencing the effects of my choices, I must also consider their causes as well.

    Perhaps the first question to tackle is, “Who’s to blame?” After nearly a decade of repeating the same behavioral cycle, I know the answer: it’s me. “Mea culpa.” Acknowledging my role in this pattern is both humbling and empowering.

    But how do I break free? I know I need to change, yet I often feel uninspired and sluggish, trapped in a cycle of inertia. What I crave is a purging of willpower and a source of inspiration.

    First, I must train myself to align my will with what is right. How can I boost my self-esteem and motivation?

    They say we can err not only in the eyes of men but also in the eyes of God due to the freedom of choice. Yet, if our will is truly free, we have the potential to make better decisions because our conscience guides us toward right and wrong. Therefore, we should strive to choose goodness over evil.

    This perspective makes sense. To find clarity, I must seek enlightenment, especially from a higher power. I need to free my mind from the worries that entangle me in this complex world. Often, we complicate the simple; one key to a more manageable life is living in the present moment. Anxiety about the future and regrets about the past create unnecessary burdens. The present is all we truly have.

    If I focus on doing what is right now, I don’t need to obsess over what lies ahead or dwell on past mistakes. No matter how much I plan or worry, the future remains unpredictable.

    From this moment forward, my commitment will be to the NOW. I’ll strive to make each present moment as fulfilling as possible, freeing myself from past regrets and future anxieties. This shift will pave the way for a more peaceful existence, as doing what’s right now will naturally shape a better future. This is the essence of being enlightened.

    As for inspiration, it comes from recognizing each small success along my journey and cherishing the love and support of those around me.

    So, from this day onward, I will count my steps toward enlightenment, rating from one to ten, and see how far this journey takes me.

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