Friday, October 12, 2007


    They say life begins at 40. Tomorrow, October 13, marks the start of a much-anticipated new life so to speak, a chapter I fondly refer to as the climax. It's a bittersweet farewell to the memories of my youth, a time that now feels like a distant echo as I approach this milestone. At 40, I find myself neither young nor old, standing at a crossroads unsure of what lies ahead.

    This morning, just a day before I turn forty, I looked at myself in the mirror, A sense of tranquility washed over me. The reflection staring back was a testament to the journey from infancy to adolescence, from carefree bachelorhood to the responsibilities of marriage and fatherhood. Stepping outside, I was greeted by the crisp morning air, which filled my senses with its invigorating aroma. The sight of my one-year-old baby filled me with overwhelming joy, a reminder of life's precious blessings that complete each early day.

    However, amidst this peaceful moment, chaos ensued as I glanced at the wall clock and realized the pressing demands of the day: work, shower, breakfast, dressing, keys, car, all orchestrated in a hurried symphony.

    En route, near a public school, the strains of a familiar religious melody drifted through the air. Puzzled, I traced its nostalgic familiarity back to my carefree days as a boy singing hymns in church. The song unearthed memories of a simpler, happier times, rejuvenating my spirit and evoking tears of both joy and longing as I found myself singing along while driving. In that moment, I grasped the essence of my life, the sum of precious memories stored deep within my soul, each one a treasure.

  This newfound perspective is both unfamiliar and enlightening. I'm discovering a profound appreciation for the overlooked joys and simplicities of life that once escaped my notice. Could this be the essence of life at 40? Perhaps it's true what they say that life truly begins at this age, offering a preview of what lies ahead. It's a time for reflection, for assessing life's journey thus far, and for cherishing the beauty found within it.


     Turning 40 is not just a milestone; it's a pivotal moment of introspection and gratitude, of embracing life's intricacies, and of finding beauty in its simplest pleasures.

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