Monday, March 18, 2019


Positron versus Negatron

    In many ways, I resemble a robot, with my actions often dictated by external influences, other people, societal norms, cultural contexts, and religious beliefs. Yet I am no ordinary machine; I have been programmed by my creator to possess the unique ability to accept or decline commands. This autonomy enables me to choose what aligns with my own well-being.

    The distinction between animate and inanimate beings lies in emotional responsiveness. The interplay between internal feelings and external stimuli generates a spectrum of emotions that can either uplift or poison. In this dynamic, my robotic nature reveals itself in various forms, which I have named Negatron and Positron.

    Negatron embodies self-serving tendencies, driven by ego and greed. It thrives on the belief that the world operates on a "survival of the fittest" principle, where success often comes at the expense of others. Over time, this robot becomes resilient through self-determination and a single-minded pursuit of self-interest. Its existence, however, is detrimental to those around it, as it drains energy and joy from others, spreading toxicity in the process.

    In contrast, Positron represents a more compassionate aspect of existence. This entity thrives on kindness and altruism, finding fulfillment in helping others. The Positron believes that true happiness is intertwined with the well-being of others, embracing empathy and gratitude as essential values. It understands that personal gain is hollow unless shared, creating a ripple effect of positivity.

    In today’s world, Positrons are increasingly rare. Moral degradation often overshadows acts of kindness, leading to a prevalence of Negatrons.

Negatrons manifest in various ways:

  1. The Inadequate: This Negatron feels insufficient when alone, seeking validation through social interactions. It associates solitude with weakness and prefers the company of a select few, creating exclusive circles that can intimidate or discriminate against outsiders.

  2. The Envious: This type masquerades as humble but is filled with resentment toward others’ successes. It feigns support while secretly plotting to undermine those it perceives as threats, often fabricating flaws to discredit them.

  3. The Restless Achiever: Despite outward success and wealth, this Negatron is never satisfied. Its insatiable desire for more leads to a life of relentless discontent, consumed by an obsession with achievement.

  4. The Perfectionist: This Negatron imposes its high standards on others, exhibiting a workaholic mentality. It demands excellence without offering gratitude, often fixating on the smallest flaws while ignoring the bigger picture.

  5. The Hypocrite: Appearing friendly to all, this Negatron thrives on gossip and betrayal. It gains trust only to exploit vulnerabilities, leaving a trail of broken relationships.

  6. The Blunt: This Negatron is brutally honest, often to the point of cruelty. It prioritizes its interests over others’ feelings, wielding words like weapons to achieve its goals.

  7. The Whistleblower: This type revels in exposing the wrongdoings of others while neglecting its own shortcomings. It seeks validation through public virtue, often overlooking the more significant issues in its own life.

  8. The Reporter: This Negatron thrives on information, eager to share secrets without considering the consequences. Its narratives may be exaggerated, but the thrill of being in the know feeds its sense of self-worth.

  9. The Critic: With a keen eye for detail, this Negatron critiques everything, often judging harshly. It thrives on negativity, turning even lighthearted moments into serious critiques.

  10. The Bipolar: This type oscillates between extremes, displaying intense joy and deep sorrow. Its unpredictable nature can create an atmosphere of chaos.

  11. The Master Coder: This Negatron hides in the background, observing and criticizing while projecting a façade of kindness. Its humor often comes at the expense of others, cloaked in coded language to avoid detection.

    Perfection is elusive; the Positron embodies an ideal that feels almost saintly, rarely found in reality. Yet, if we can recognize and transform our inner Negatron, we pave the way for catharsis and healing, benefiting ourselves and those around us. The journey toward embracing our inner Positron is a crucial step in fostering a more compassionate world.